With the recent report of Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) infecting hops in Brazil, it is important that US growers remain vigilant about the damage this disease causes.
CBCVd has been associated with a range of symptoms, including leaf yellowing and curling, premature flowering, smaller cone size, dry rot of roots, stunting and dieback, with plant death occurring 3-5 years after infection. There are no known insect vectors, so spread primarily occurs mechanically on tools via wounding and transfer of infected sap. To date, CBCVd has not been observed or reported in US hops. For more information or concerns, please reach out to cpcnw@wsu.edu.

CBCVd has been associated with a range of symptoms, including leaf yellowing and curling (Figure A), premature flowering (Figure B), smaller cone size (Figure C & D), dry rot of roots (Figure E & F), stunting and dieback (Figure G), with plant death occurring 3-5 years after infection.