​August 2 - NCPN-Hops Tier 2 Meeting
2:00 - 5:00 PM PST (In-person and Zoom); contact Tanner Hunt at tanner.white@wsu.edu for additional details
​August 2 - NCPN-Hops Tier 2 Meeting
2:00 - 5:00 PM PST (In-person and Zoom); contact Tanner Hunt at tanner.white@wsu.edu for additional details
Strategic Plan

2021-2025 Strategic Plan and Program Implementation Guide
The NCPN Strategic Plan serves as a guide and resource for Network leaders, managers, and members.
Strategic Plan Highlights:
Several Years in Development
Builds on the initial 2007 Plan
Done by a Cross-Cutting Team
Perspectives on the Future
3 Goals
5 Value Statements
24 Program Objectives
75 Action Items
As part of an ongoing planning process, commodity governing body members and leaders should return to the strategic plan document on a regular basis to ensure that their efforts remain focused on serving stakeholders’ needs while proactively protecting the health and value of American agriculture and that the plan remains relevant.
Please feel free to review the Plan and associated documents below:
Our values
The planning team identified five values to guide its members during the planning process.
QUALITY We believe in setting and following quality standards for the production of clean plant material. Our clients should be confident that they are receiving material from known, verified sources with traceable history. This attention to detail supports the start clean, stay clean approach and provides value to American agriculture.
SERVICE We exist to help the specialty crop industry thrive and grow by providing superior clean-plant products to interested growers, nurseries, and sellers.
CONNECTIVITY We believe that a dedicated group of individuals who have common goals can be even more productive and successful when they share their experiences and knowledge in a mutually beneficial way. With this approach in mind, we aspire to a higher standard by creating a sharing, caring work environment based on mutual respect and trust.
EMPOWERMENT We believe that leadership, innovation, and decision making for the production and distribution of clean plant material should happen at the grass roots level where end users are directly linked to producers to better guide the overall process. This approach creates an inclusive environment where diverse input leads to better decisions, clear priorities, and the ability to address the need for change.
SUSTAINABILITY We believe in creating a networked organization that can produce and distribute clean plant products in a sustainable manner.

Goal 1 - Network Operations Optimize the production, maintenance and distribution of clean plants
1.1 Stakeholder-Driven Clean Plant Centers: Develop a network of Centers that is focused on stakeholders and their needs for clean plant material.
1.2 Existing and New Centers: Optimize the number of NCPN Centers to ensure optimal and complete specialty crop coverage.
1.3 Protocols, Standards, Collaboration, and Coordination: Improve and coordinate cleanup activities and maintenance of clean plants.
1.4 Foundation Management: Assess, support, and manage a network of nationally focused clean plant foundations and collections.
1.5 Plant Availability: Develop and maintain up-to-date lists of available cultivars. Facilitate the distribution of clean products at Clean Plant Centers.
1.6 Permitting and Associated Regulatory Matters: Facilitate discussions with permitting, regulatory, and related program officials in support of Network activities.
1.7 International Clean Plant Program Connections: Support a network of centers that are well connected internationally for material access and regulatory purposes.
Goal 2 - Advancing Special Initiatives Optimize the adaptation and implementation of novel technologies and new ideas while increasing the awareness of the importance, availability, and use of clean plants
2.1 Use Advanced Diagnostics: Use more accurate, sensitive, and comprehensive detection methods to accelerate the production of clean plants. Additionally, identify risk, including that of not adopting new technologies.
2.2 Foundation Protection: Use new technologies to safeguard and back up foundation material.
2.3 Natural Disaster Preparation: Secure clean material in case of natural disasters or disease outbreaks.
2.4 Clean Plant Material Demand: Determine industry needs for clean plant material.
2.5 Clean Plant Program Education and Outreach: Facilitate the adoption of plants coming from Clean Plant Centers by nurseries and growers through extension and outreach activities.
2.6 Economics: Assess the economic impact of the clean plant programs.
2.7 Quality Assurance and Quality Control: Establish formalized programs and processes for program quality coordination and management.
2.8 Scientific Information Development, Use, and Sharing: Develop agreement and establish procedures for internal and external data and information development and sharing.
2.9 Interface with Nursery Clean Plant Programs: Facilitate communication among regulators, research scientists, industry, and Centers to develop clean plant nursery programs to increase the use of clean plant material.
Goal 3 – Governance and Networking Optimize Network resources
3.1 Program Governance: Assess and ascertain NCPN governance and administration needs for fiscal year 2021-2025.
3.2 Governing Bodies: Accommodate governance for new crops, including funded members and non-funded members.
3.3 Program Scope: Revisit and re-circumscribe the scope and parameters of the Network with regular reviews and updates.
3.4 Clean Plant Specialty Crop Business Plans: NCPN specialty crop groups and Clean Plant Centers develop business plans to ensure for the long-term financial stability of specific crops and Centers within the Network
3.5 NCPN Planning Harmonization Strategy: In developing and implementing national, crop-specific, and center-oriented plans, as well as special topics initiatives, NCPN managers will strive to coordinate and harmonize all efforts. This will include the creation and coordination of technical proposals and other plans.
3.6 Funding Stability: Identify complementary sources of funding to support and/or enhance clean plant programs.
3.7 Succession Planning: Develop succession plan resources to address people, plants, and infrastructure.
3.8 Program Networking: Governance bodies should meet regularly with stakeholders and networking groups for continuing collaboration and to engage in critical discussions around pertinent network/commodity topics.