​August 2 - NCPN-Hops Tier 2 Meeting
2:00 - 5:00 PM PST (In-person and Zoom); contact Tanner Hunt at tanner.white@wsu.edu for additional details
​August 2 - NCPN-Hops Tier 2 Meeting
2:00 - 5:00 PM PST (In-person and Zoom); contact Tanner Hunt at tanner.white@wsu.edu for additional details

The National Clean Plant Network-Fruit Trees (NCPN-FT) program brings together a diverse group including industry leaders, plant pathologists, state and federal regulators, and clean plant centers. They work together to produce healthy virus–tested tree rootstocks and scion varieties essential for the nursery and fruit tree grower operations in the United States. The primary focus of the NCPN-FT is to prevent diseases caused by viruses and virus-like agents that can potentially impact the yield, appearance, and taste of the fruit. Scientists and researchers working in these programs develop strategies to minimize viruses' economic impact on the tree fruit and nursery industries.
There are three clean plant centers in the Network: the Clean Plant Center Northwest (CPCNW) at Washington State University which serves as the headquarters; The Southeast Budwood Program at Clemson University in

South Carolina; and Foundation Plant Services (FPS) at the University of California, Davis. The centers collaborate to provide the products and services needed for specialized fruit tree growing regions across the United States.
Our clean plant centers and programs:
Clean Plant Center Northwest, Washington State University, Prosser (order information)
Clemson Clean Plant Center, Clemson University
Foundation Plant Services, University of California, Davis (selections available) (order information)

Foundation level plant material is sold primarily to the nursery industry to establish healthy sources of propagation materials for commercial production. Order policies and minimums differ between centers. Please contact a center or program for specifics.

NCPN Testimonals

“With support of the NCPN, the Southeast tree and nursery industries have run a virus indexing program that has covered 80% of the commercial plantings. This highly successful program with minimal cost ensures we are monitoring for major viruses. We encourage support and adoption of these programs to ensure the future of our industry.”
Chalmers Carr, President & CEO, Titan Farms – Ridge Spring, South Carolina

“The NCPN has really accelerated nurseries clean stock program. It is hard to put a number on the value of access to high-quality virus free material; but I cannot imagine what our industries would like without it! There is certain material we wouldn’t be able to produce at all, and whole sectors of the industry would be at tremendous risk of catastrophe.”

“The NCPN helps prevent pathogens from imported or domestic sources of plant material we use for propagation. Our bud stands are higher when using clean propagation material so we can supply customers with the amount of product they need.”
Gary Snyder, C&O Nursery, Washington
Reid Robinson, Sierra Gold, California